Surrender is probably the most difficult, most complex thing to do, yet the simplest at the same time. Now how does one surrender? I know for me it has taken years to fully understand what it meant to surrender. I would boast about how I surrendered without any attachments, only to have frustration days, weeks or months later because I had an attachment with an expectation of how something should turn out, although I fully believed I had not.

Let’s take an example of having a life vision thinking you know how you will bring it into reality. You think you know the steps that will unfold to experience your vision. Well, I am here to tell you that the first thing you must do is let go of thinking you know the how or when it will happen. I did this for years and once I let go things turned out and continue to better than I ever could have imagined. I always had the same vision and knowing what I to do as far as my expression of purpose, however, I was on the hamster wheel playing tug of war preventing anything from actually becoming reality because I had not surrendered. I began to see just how much of a control freak I was and how I was not understanding how to have discernment with my decisions because I was coming from an ego based approach instead of a surrender and flow basis. No decisions should ever be made if you feel an urgency, I have to, I should, or I must do. This is not your highest self guiding you … it’s the human, ego based self.

The first thing for any vision to present itself in this reality is to let go of the idea that you are going to make it happen and that you know how it will. The vision you have for yourself is not going to happen in any way you have known things to happen in the past. The old way is a lot of work and will only delay the time of delivery. We are on a whole new frequency vibration and it’s not going to happen in any way you can predict. We are in this time of age being forced, either in a smooth easy way or a more challenging way to change and return back to who we are from the beginning of time. The world events are reflecting this in everyone’s reality. As I said, you can still have the vision of the outcome but we are playing a whole new game of let’s follow the unknown so we all learn how to face fear head on by not knowing what is going to happen next. We are creating what we want to experience in the present moment. The saying “the only time there is is the present moment” is true and when you surrender being in the present moment, you begin to see how this is how you tap into the unknown that will fulfill your wishes and desires. You need no psychic to tell your future to you. You are that psychic. You know your future by the actions you take in the moment. I went to many psychics over many decades and when I say you know your future I KNOW THIS! You are the master and creator of your reality therefore whatever you want you can have. I am living it and I was so fearful most of my life to to take responsibility for my life. This way if it didn’t turn out as I desired I could blame someone else. Not today …. I know my future destination and I have surrendered to the unknown to guide me in the moment to my next step to get there. I have no idea how it will unfold and honestly I enjoy not knowing because it makes this life of game and its exciting. I do, however know the destination of it. If there is a twist or turn, I flow with it knowing there’s always a different road to get to the destination although I may not know it. I’ve been through the hard tests of this and I never question … I follow! It’s much easier to flow with the directions I receive than to waste precious time trying to force and figure it out. It gets mentally and emotionally exhausting to do this and today I appreciate the space it allows me in my mind and my life.

Yes, I know it’s scary to trust something that is not tangible, however this is a MUST! We’ve been taught to force things and follow one, two, three to get a result. No need to do this …this I KNOW FOR SURE. I live my life this way. I am not saying to not do anything and sit home and eat. I did this thinking if I think it it will just come to me. No, not at all. You must be in the present moment and allow the whispers to be heard, and then have the courage to trust and follow whatever message you receive throughout discerning decisions. It took some time to get this as well and sometimes it might take me a day or so to make decisions because I understand how the ego comes in and tricks us. The way you surrender is to finally have had enough pain and struggle that you become willing to do anything. When you arrive at this position, slowly but surely you will open up a whole new reality and the synchronicities will be more frequent and the whispers become louder and more clear with a knowing.

So, if you are ready to surrender and master your reality, start with integrity within yourself and keep the commitments to yourself. When you commit to surrendering your body will unite with you by showing your pattern, beliefs and behaviors that must change therefore allowing an energetic opening for your to receive at a higher vibrational frequencies your daily guidance to bring into furision your dream intention.



