First, what is your definition of Integrity? I certainly didn’t understand the definition of integrity until recent years and the significance it plays not only with the healing of the body but also the connection with all manifestation abilities. The definition of integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. How many of us can honestly say that we do this in our lives with others and more importantly with ourselves? I know I wasn’t able to attain this for a very long time due to this misconception of how little I understood it to be of significance in the relationship with myself. Daily l work on fine tuning every thought followed by a conscious action in all relationships. If I cannot master this within myself, how could I possibly provide authentically with others and provide true integrity?

What I have learned is that the integrity with ourselves is 100 percent connected with the alignment of the energy centers of the body and in order for them to remain in alignment and balanced, integrity has to be number one priority in everything you do in your life. I’ve seen the connection, not only with myself, but also with my clients over the years. Integrity with ourselves is the most important and most powerful tool we can master to give us everything we desire. This means when you say you are going to do something … you do it. There are no excuses as to why you don’t follow through. I’ve played the game of finding loop holes, reasons and excuses whenever I didn’t want to follow through with something or change it after I had already made a commitment. In the past I would make plans or commitments, and then would change my mind thus cancelling or doing something different, especially with myself. I was better with others, however until I learned keep my word with myself it was always reflected back to me by my actions with others or I would receive the same lack of integrity from others.

Throughout my journey, and even today, I recognize how this is so critical for any physical healing. Think about it …. If your body cannot trust your word, how will it heal? It cannot not rely on you to consistently do as it says. The relationship is the same as with another person. Would you trust the word of another person if they continued to not follow through and change plans on you all the time? I know I wouldn’t, at least not until I fully embodied the fact that they were reflecting back to me what I was doing and lacking within myself. The body knows what to do and wants communication with you.. Yes, its our body, however, it’s the vehicle to host our soul for this journey in this lifetime. Just because it’s not separate from us as another person, doesn’t mean it doesn’t receive information the same say … it does! I have witnessed this within myself through my physical healing journey. It’s intelligence is much more evolved than our little mind that thinks it knows everything. Today I not only keep my word, I listen to the intelligence of my body which knows exactly what it needs to maintain balance and complete health. Why wouldn’t it know how to direct us since a cut heals without any of our input. As my body was able to relax and trust I would follow through with what I would say or think, it completely healed, especially when I learned how to listen to the feeling and insights I would receive, sometimes as a whisper, as far as what it needed. I use this example because the physical health is of utmost importance in order to do anything.

I not only promise you, I guarantee that the benefits you will receive from this practice of mastering integrity is well worth the effort and eventually it will become a innate pattern of behavior. It’s unity with you and a practice of self-love. You can expect are elevated self-worth, confidence in decisions, stability within your life circumstances regardless of outside appearances and a trust within yourself as well as with the unknown. You will begin to know who you are and how powerful you are. This is not only applicable in the realm of physical health, it applies to all areas of your life. You will begin the journey of mastering your reality as you learn to master the relationship with yourself. It has no choice but to reflect back to you in your physical material work whatever you define success in your world.

